Under stones, with micro-algae, low tide level.
21mm. In broken part of the wall, under stones, harbour-side.
Pattern and colours tend to be darker and blurred, contrasts vanish. A crepuscular shell.
The general shape is now clearly rounded. In this place, lips are often a bit chipped.
Dominant species in the spot
Gibbula cineraria (Linnæus, 1758) 13-14mm. On stones, in the water.
Always the form "elatior". Variations affect sculpture (spiral ribs less or more widely spaced),
height, shape, and pattern. For example, there is a variant named "variegata" Jeffreys 1865,
in which the sutural band is crowned, like in many C. zizyphinum , by an alternance of
dark and light coloured rectangular marks.
Linnæus placed this species in the genus Trochus.
Cinerarius. 512. T. testa oblique umbilicata ovata, anfractibus rotundatis. Habitat in M. Mediterraneo.
testa cinerea fasciis obliquis pallidis. (Syst. Nat. X / Vermes / Testacea p.758).
This kind of description covers many species of Gibbulas, like pennanti, philberti, rackettii,
umbilicalis, and even some varia...