Below are some exceptional shells from the western dredging areas, and some oddities.
Enjoy and download the pics.
 Above and below: all the shells of this species can bear squamae on and between their ribs.
 Yellow concolor's squamae.



The crabs attack...

  It often arrives that large crabs tackle the scallops.
These shells are a delicacy for Cancer pagurus, the local Jonah crab.
 This scallop has been pinch, survived to crab and was repaired.
Click here to discover two attacked scallops!




 This splendid lineata was fished in the first days of november 2003 in St-Michel's bay.
I never met again this kind of design.
 The taser scallop.



Special shells:

 The shells are often covered with sponges, worm tubes,
and other shells like Anomia ephippium or young Crepidula fornicata.

Example: Anomiids on a concolor
Example: A yellow lineata unfortunately encrusted (beside a nice concolor).
15mm Anomiid near an umbo, april 2006, Lorient.