Moerella distorta (Poli, 1791)
North Sea to Angola, Canarias to Madeira, to Mediterranean. In Corsica, dredged at 40-80m deep (Locard & Caziot, 1901). 7m to 45m in Jeffreys, 1863. Deposit feeder.
Original taxon: Tellina distorta.
Trawled off Chioggia, Venezia, NE. Italy. 12mm.
A shell from Civittanova, Marche, E. Italy. 12,5mm.
Illustrations of Tellina distorta in E. Römer: “Die Familie der Tellmuscheln, Tellinidae”, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet Bd.10:Abt.4, Nürnberg 1871.
« Ovate-oblong, slightly compressed, thin, subpellucid, glossy, pink or rosy orange, with narrow deeper-coloured rays, crowded with minute concentric striae which become more distinct and elevated posteriorly ; ventral margin slightly convex ; anterior side the longer, obtusely rounded at its extremity, its dorsal edge scarcely at all declining ; posterior extremity wedge-shaped, the ligamental edge nearly straight ; ligament small but not sunken ; fold and flexure not conspicuous ; lateral teeth distinct, posterior the more distant. » – G. B. Sowerby: Thesaurus conchyliorum, vol. 1, London 1847 via BHL.
In tide pool, La Franqui, Leucate, Occitania, S. France. 13mm.
Original pictures provided by S. Clanzig (FR).

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