Macomopsis melo (Sowerby II, 1866)
Algarve to Mediterranean. Original taxon: Tellina melo.
« Shell oval, suboblique, rather solid, inaequilateral, smooth, orange red, concentrically banded, interior red in the centre, white round the margin ; posterior side short, slightly flexuous, dorsal margin sloping, concave near the umboes, ligament imbedded, ventral margin sloping upwards, subtruncated at the end ; anterior side obliquely oblong, dorsal margin sloping, ventral margin convex, hinge margin thick, without lateral teeth. » – G. B. Sowerby in L. A. Reeve: Conchologia iconica vol. XVII, pl. 17 (1866), via BHL.

At low tide on sand, Punta Umbria, Huelva, SW. Andalucia, SW. Spain. 23,8-24mm.

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