Haliris granulata (Seguenza, 1860)
Mediterranean, Black Sea. Deep circalittoral to at least the continental slope, on detritic muddy bottoms. Original taxon: Verticordia granulata.
« Shell tumid, almost triangular, furrowed with longitudinal, slightly protruding ribs, rounded and twenty in number. Outer surface of the shell covered with perfectly rounded and equidistant granulations; lunula deep, cordate, without ribs or granulations; the radiating ribs will form on the edge of the shell small teeth, somewhat obtuse and slightly furrowed on the internal face. » – G. Seguenza: “Du genre Verticordia Searles Wood”, Journal de Conchyliologie vol. VIII, Paris 1860, p. 274. – Above and below: 500m deep, 35°35N-03°45W, 9,5nmi off Al Hoceïma, N. Morocco, southern Alborán Sea. 9mm.

Original pictures provided by S. Clanzig (FR).
Ventral margin angular, dorsal margin arcuate, umbones strongly prosogyrate. « This interesting and very rare species, known and described by our friend Professor Seguenza after a fossil from the tertiary grounds of Messina, was found alive by Mr. Jeffreys in the catches obtained from the dredgings made by Captain Spratt on the southern coasts of Sicily; and it is worthy of observation, that the same species, just as Jeffreys writes, was fished in the seas of Japan. This genus was missing from the European Fauna, knowing only a few species from the Indian seas. » – Aradas & Benoit: Conchigliologia vivente marina della Sicilia e delle isole che la circondano, Catania 1870, p. 71. –Same spot. 7mm.
500m deep, Capraia Isola, Arcipelago Toscano, W. Italy. 4,6mm. Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).
The shell of this species is remarkably constant. 5,2mm. Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).

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