Gastrana matadoa (Gmelin, 1791) |
SE. Indian Ocean, South Africa to S. Spain. Deposit feeder in the infralittoral, burrowed in sheltered sandy bottoms, often near estuaries. Original taxon: Venus matadoa. Synonyms: donacina, guinaica, ventricosa… The species is characterized by its domed valves, and by the strong, sharp, commarginal growth ribs. – Above and below: beached, El Trabucador, Deltebre, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 28mm. |
Some radial microsculpture appears between the concentric lamellae. |
Chipiona beach, Cádiz, SW. Andalucia, S. Spain. 36,5mm. |
The name “matadoa” refers to the species recorded by M. Adanson in his book Histoire naturelle du Sénégal, Paris 1757: « What makes it distinctive from all the others Tellins is about fourty to fourty-five transverse corrugations that are spread all over its surface, parallel to its width » (Adanson part II, p.240). Above, the species pictured plate 18 (5). The author notices also the colour: « white, and sometimes yellow, inside as well as outside, especially near the summit. » |
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