Gari virgata (Lamarck, 1818)
Portugal to Sénégal, Canarias, W. mediterranean. Deposit feeder in the infralittoral.
Original taxon: Psammobia virgata.
Synonyms: costata, intermedia.
12m deep, muddy bottom, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 37mm.
Dead specimen in a typical rubble, at low tide, in Cádiz province, W. Andalucia. The species is characterized by its strong concentric ribs. Original picture provided by B.J. Muñoz Sanchez (ES) – (CC BY-NC-SA).
Psammobia intermedia Deshayes, pictured in L. A. Reeve: Conchologia iconica vol. X, London 1858, via BHL.
« Shell ovately transverse, rather convex, solid, equilateral, whitish, finely rayed with rose, partially covered with a yellow epidermis, transversely wrinkled, wrinkles rude, rather solid, promiscuously waved, posteriorly thicker and very irregular, anterior side rounded, posterior rather attenuated and compressed, slopingly truncated. A fine species, chiefly distinguished by the boldness and irregular waved development of its wrinkled sculpture. »
Psammobia virgata in J. G. Bruguière: Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique… vol. II, Paris 1791, via BHL.
A specimen collected half buried in sand at low tide, Dakhla, Western Sahara. 42,3mm.

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