Fabulina fabula (Gmelin, 1791) |
S. Svalbard to Mediterranean. Deposit feeder from intertidal to continental shelf. Shell inequivalve, inequilateral, flat, a little twisted. Two cardinal teeth in each valve: bifid on anterior of left valve and on posterior of right valve; one tiny posterior lateral in left valve, one prominent anterior and a small posterior in right valve; pallial sinus deep. Original taxon: Tellina fabula. 1m deep, Giorgino beach, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 11mm. |
The colour is whitish, with some yellowish-brownish stains posteriorly. Sculpture made up of thin concentric growth striae on each valve, crossed (on right valve only) by diagonal ribs. |
On sand in shallow water, near the ferry port, Rathlin island, north of Ballycastle, Antrim County, North Ireland. Original picture provided by B. Picton for iNaturalist – (CC BY). |
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