Ennucula tenuis (Montagu, 1808)
Circumarctic to Japan, Baja California, Florida, W. Morocco, Mediterranean… Infralittoral to 300m deep. Subsurface feeder.
Original taxon: Arca tenuis. Synonym bellotii.
« Shell sub-cordate, smooth, white, covered with an olivaceous epidermis ; umbo very small ; beaks slightly inflected, and placed near to one end. Inside smooth, white, and somewhat nacred ; margin thin and entire ; hinge pectinated with fifteen elevated teeth placed within the margin, six on one side, and nine on the other, divided by a small concave plate that projects inwards. »

In fact, there is some light sculpture.
25m deep, in sediments, between Sapri and Acquafredda, S. Campania, SW. Italy. 2,7mm.
Reads Bay, southwestern end of Decatur island, San Juan archipelago, Washington, NW. USA. Original picture provided by the Marine Global Earth Observatory for iNaturalist.
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