Donax variegatus (Gmelin, 1791)
W. English Channel to Morocco, Mediterranean, Black Sea. Surf zones to infralittoral sands and gravels, often in areas exposed to streams. Original taxon: Tellina variegata.
Synonyms: alboradiatus, complanatus, polita, vinacea.
20-30m deep, on sand, off Blanes, Girona, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 25mm.
Donax vinaceus in E. Römer: “Die Familie der Donacidae”, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet Bd.10:Abt.3 “Tellmuscheln” plate 18, Nürnberg 1869, via BHL.
Donax politus in J. G. Hidalgo: Moluscos marinos de España, Portugal y las Baleares, Madrid 1870, via BHL.
« Donax politus: Shell triangularly oblong, not very inequilateral, much compressed, with a greater convexity in the umbonal part, rather thick, opaque, lustrous. Sculpture, scarcely any other than a few slight and indistinct concentric lines, and occasional marks of growth which alone are perceptible by the naked eye. Colour chestnut blended with olive, beautifully marbled or necked with creamcolour and marked with a conspicuous longitudinal ray of the same tint, which proceeds from the beak and is obliquely curved towards the ventral margin on the anterior side. This ray becomes broader as it approaches the margin, being there of a considerable width in full-grown specimens. The beaks are usually violet or flamecolour, and variegated by a blotch of dusky purple under the ligament, and sometimes by a similar but fainter stain on the other side of the beak. The lines of growth are also distinguished by narrow bands of violet when that hue appears. Epidermis thin and smooth, olivaceous… » – J. G. Jeffreys: British conchology vol. II, London 1863.
A shell from the Kolpos Agiou Orous, Halkidhikí, N. Aegean. On sand at Trani Ammouda, northeastern coast of Sithonia Peninsula. Original picture provided by G. Manavopoulos for iNaturalist – (CC BY-NC).

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