Asbjornsenia pygmaea (Lovén, 1846) |
Norway to Canarias, Azores to Mediterranean. Deposit feeder in clean sand and shell gravel from the low intertidal to the continental shelf (MBSBI). Original taxon: Tellina pygmaea. Synonym: striata Friele. Above and below: subadult specimen from Eastern Attikí, Central Greece. 3,4mm. |
Shell subovate, slightly inequivalve, the right valve being more convex than the left one; strongly inequilateral, especially in young specimens; sculpture made up of strong, sharp commarginal folds; 2 cardinal teeth in each valve, one being bifid; presence of lateral teeth, one on each side, strong in right valve, weak in left valve; pallial sinus very deep in adults. |
In discarded material from fishing net, Néa Kios, Náfplio area, Argolic Gulf, E. Peloponnese, S. Greece. 7,5mm. |
The species is more common in the northern part of its range. Above: specimens dredged at about 30m deep, Portknockie, southern coast of Moray Firth, Scotland. 6,3-8mm. |
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