Arcopella balaustina (Linnaeus, 1758) |
Scotland to Angola, Azores to Mediterranean. Subtidal (S. France) to 500m deep (NE. UK). Original taxon: Tellina balaustina. 20m deep, on mud, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 21mm. |
Synonyms: brittanica, serratula. 100-150m deep, off Motril, Granada, Andalucia. 9-17mm. |
Figure 10: Tellina balaustina – « Shape varying from obovate to suborbicular, moderately strong, decidedly convex, when quite perfect dull and covered with raised membranaceous concentric striae, but usually worn smooth and rather glossy ; whitish or yellowish, with numerous narrow red rays and the umbones tinged with yellow ; ventral edge arcuated ; both edges of the dorsal hue convex and moderately sloping ; front extremity rounded ; that of the scarcely shorter posterior side most obtusely subangidated ; beaks prominent and incurvated ; ligament extremely narrow and sunken ; fold and umbonal ridge tolerably manifest ; inside yellow ; lateral teeth large and nearly equidistant. » – Hanley in G. B. Sowerby: Thesaurus conchyliorum vol. 1 London, 1847 via BHL. |
Some variants: albida, purpurmaculata, and a major. 100m deep, off Almería, Andalucia. 11mm. |
Differs from crassa by the weight and the shape (A. crassa is rounder and heavier). A giant one, from 20-30m deep, in stones, Roses, Girona, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 35mm. |
The species is extremely constant. 30m deep, off Málaga. 18mm. |
Rochelongue, Cap d’Agde, S. France. 14,5mm. |
Same spot. 14,5mm. |
Shallow water on sand, Civitavecchia, Lazio, W. Italy. 17mm. |
Young shell from 30m deep, Punta de la Mona, La Herradura, Granada, Andalucia, S. Spain. 4,4mm. |
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