Vermetus triquetrus Bivona-Bernardi, 1832
Azores to Mediterranean.
Suspension feeder in the mediolittoral and the infralittoral.
The species lives attached to hard substrate: shells, stones, rock… Sometimes it forms large colonies in areas sheltered from surf, such as these reef-like systems noticed along the levanrine coast, where shallow platforms of Dendropoma cristatum surround slightly deeper basins colonized by Vermetus triquetrus (Safriel, 1975). – Above: pair collected on stone at 5m deep, Saronikós kólpos, E. Attiki, Greece. 31mm.
The gregarious variant, pictured in the Effemeridi Scientifiche e Letterarie per la Sicilia vol. II, Palermo 1832, plate II.
«Shell solitary or aggregated, of triangular section, almost depressed, twisted in an orbicular or a turbinated coiling, with transverse flexuose wrinkles. »op. cit. p.6.
A specimen from Leucate, Occitania, S. France. 36mm.
The aperture measures more than 5mm in diameter.
Original pictures provided by S. Clanzig (FR).

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