Tritia tinei (Maravigna, 1840)
The species is found in some sheltered brackish lagoons in the north of Messina, Sicily, and also around Reggio di Calabria.
Original taxon: Buccinum tinei. Synonym: gussonii.
2m deep, on sand, Faro de Messina. 10,5mm.
Buccinum tinei by C. Maravigna in F.-E. Guérin-Méneville: Magasin de zoologie, d’anatomie comparée et de palaeontologie, Paris 1840, plate 24.
« Shell ovate-conical, tawny coloured, adorned with numerous dark lines on the whole of the spire. The last whorl bears a great number of dark blotches, and is transversely striated; the aperture is smooth inside, with a bent margin. […] I dedicated this shell, as a testimony of my high esteem, to my learned colleague and friend Car. Vincenzo Tineo, director of the Royal Botanical Garden, and professor of botany at the university of Palermo. » – op. cit., Mollusques pl.24, p.1.
« Testa tenui, fragili, ovato-conica, corneo-fulva, transversim tenuiter striata; anfractibus 6 convexiusculis, apertura ovata, alba, labro integro, labro collumellari subplicato. » – P. Calcara, in Cenno sui molluschi viventi e fossili della Sicilia…, Palermo 1845; this author dedicates the species to a botanist again, « all’Illustre Botanico Cav. Giovanni Gussone in segno del più verace rispetto. »
Operculate specimen from the Faro. 9mm.
Original pictures provided by A. Brancato (IT).
In mud, Faro. 10mm.
Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).

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