Tritia denticulata (A. Adams, 1852)
Madeira to W. Mediterranean, to Angola. Scavenger in the circalittoral, the upper shelf, and probably deeper also…
Original taxon: Nassa denticulata.
Above and below: Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 28-30mm.
« Longitudinaliter plicata, transversim lirata, liris planis, interstitiis tenuissime longitudinaliter striatis; labio cum callo albo nitido tecto, antice producto, libero; labro intus lirato, margine denticulato. ». – A. Adams: “Catalogue of the species of Nassa”, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London vol. XIX, London 1851 (december 1952), p.110.

Uncommon in Alborán Sea. Interesting operculum.
Trawled at 150m deep, off Almería, Andalucia. 23,5mm.

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