Tricolia miniata (Monterosato, 1884)
Gibraltar Strait, Alborán Sea, West Mediterranean. Lives on algae from very shallow water to shallow subtidal. Grazer.
Original taxon: Tricoliella punctata var. miniata.
Synonym: jolyi.
Juvenile. Intertidal, Punta del Carnero, Algeciras, Andalucia, S. Spain. 0,9mm.
« Colour pattern normally includes brown and orange markings on a brownish, vitreous background. These are commonly accompanied by small opaque-white patches. Most commonly, there are wavy brown flames in a regular pattern, the inflexions of which are aligned along definite spiral zones. These alternate with bright orange patches. Frequently, the brown flames are disrupted into spiral rows of crescent-shaped markings, or into a pattern of small flecks, or combination of either. » – S. Gofas: “The genus Tricolia in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean”, Journal of Molluscan Studies (1982), 48, p.197. – Same spot. 1,1-1,3mm.
Dotted shells with large patches of white exist in the northeastern part of W. Mediterranean: see this specimen from SE. France. – Marina di Davia, Corbara, NW. Corsica. 1,2mm.

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