Tjaernoeia boucheti Warén, 1991
Iceland and N. Norway to W. Mediterranean, to Cabo Verde archipelago, in bathyal and abyssal depths.
Protoconch smooth or almost smooth. The transition protoconch - teleoconch is abrupt, and straight. Teleoconch made up of about two whorls in fully adult specimens, covered with numerous rows of impressed micropits that can vary in size from one specimen to another, and can merge together in the first subsutural rows. Aperture narrow. The close species T. exquisita has smaller micropits that never merge together, a slightly sinusoidal boundary between protoconch and teleoconch, a more expanded aperture, and a smaller radula. T. unisulcata bears the smallest micropits and the wider aperture. – 500m deep, on mud, off Murcia, SE. Spain. 0,7-1mm.

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