Steromphala nivosa (A. Adams, 1851)
Endemic to the Maltese islands. Grazer and deposit feeder in the upper infralittoral, where it has been rediscovered living in cobble beds (Evans & Schembri, 2014), the species remains critically endangered, its range being restricted to a few spots. – Dead shells from a detritic bottom, St-Thomas bay, Marsaskala, E. Malta. 7-8mm.
« Shell cyrtoconoid, umbilicate, ash-brown, adorned with subcircular whitish blotches, transversely streaked, weakly striated longitudinallly; aperture subcircular; columella flexuous, base rounded. » – A. Adams: “Contributions towards a monograph of the Trochidae”, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London part XIX, London “1851”, p.187.

Synonyms: altimirai, pictus, rotella. Same spot, 4mm.
Pattern variations in specimens from E. Malta, in the Natural History Museum Rotterdam. Left: 3m deep, St-Thomas bay, 9mm; right: 4m deep, Birżebbuġa, 9mm. Original pictures provided by J. Trausel and F. Slieker for WoRMS.
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3m deep, on Posidonia oceanica, St-Thomas bay. 6mm.
Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).

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