Pusia savignyi (Payraudeau, 1826)
Predator in the infralittoral.
Original taxon: Mitra savignyi.
12m deep, Scilla, Messina Strait, SW. Italy. 10mm.
« Shell small, glossy, made of five to six horn to tawny coloured whorls adorned with a pure white band, bearing strong and nodulose longitudinal costae. Dedicated to M. Savigny, member of the Academy of Sciences. » – B. C. Payraudeau: Cat. ann. moll. Corse, Paris 1826, p.184.

25m deep, in grit, on sediments, between Sapri and Acquafredda, Campania, SW. Italy. 7,7mm.
Above: the specimen MNHN-IM-2000-30287, erroneously labelled Mitra punctulata in the collection Risso of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris France). Original pictures provided by M. Caballer for the MNHN – (CC BY). The epithet “punctulata”, which refers to some « purplish dots » among « whitish longitudinal lines », is not relevant for the present species, and may more correspond to Pusia tricolor.
Uncommon brown specimen.
30m deep, off Poetto, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 7mm.

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