Paludinella globularis
(Hanley in Thorpe, 1844)
S.  British Isles to Canarias, Azores to Mediterranean.
Original taxon: Cingula globularis. Synonym: littorea.
Deposit feeder in shallow water, in sheltered places such as crevices, underside of rocks and other intersticial environments, on seafront as well as in lagoons.
«  Globose, conic, shining, pellucid, horn-coloured, with 4 whorls, the last considerably the largest, marked by slight lines of growth; aperture oval, the inner lip expanded and partly covering a moderately sized umbilicus; suture not deep. » – C. Thorpe: British marine conchology; Being a descriptive catalogue, arranged according to the Lamarckian system, of the salt water shells of Great Britain, London 1844, p.xlii.

Anse de l’Arène, Cassis, Provence, S. France. 1,7mm.
E. Vial legit (FR).
Lavasina beach, Brando, eastern coast of the Cap Corse, NE. Corsica. 1,8mm. E. Vial legit (FR).
Paludinella littorina (Delle Chiaje, 1828) is not a mispelling on the synonym littorea Jeffreys, but is itself a synonym of the taxon Melarhaphe neritoides (Linnaeus, 1758). It has no relation to the present species. – 5-10m deep, Ceuta. 1,2mm.

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