Neptunea contraria (Linnaeus, 1771)
N. Spain to W. Morocco, Alborán Sea.
Predator in the circalittoral down to the continental margin.
Some worn specimens can be collected – rarely – along the beaches of the Bay of Biscay, and the species has been dredged by the “Talisman” at 550m and 1084m deep, off Western Morocco, in 1883 (Expéditions scientifiques du “Travailleur” et du “Talisman”… vol. IV tome 1, Paris 1897, p.359). This last catch may be related to a downslope transportation. Original taxon: Murex contrarius.

300m deep, off Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 105mm.
Synonyms: perversus Kiener, sinistrorsus Deshayes.
A specimen from the Cantabrian Sea:
250-350m deep, off the Ria de Foz, Galicia, NW. Spain. 94mm.
Two drawings of the species.
Left: in W. Kobelt: “Die Gattungen Pyrula und Fusus : nebst Ficula, Bulbus, Tudicla, Busycon, Neptunea und Euthria”, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet Bd.3:Abt.3B, Nürnberg 1881, plate XIIIb fig.3 and not XIV-1 as writen p.71. – Right: in W. Kobelt: Iconographie der schalentragenden europäischen Meeresconchylien vol. II, Cassel 1887, plate XI fig.1 and not XIV-1 as writen again p.65. Apart from the sinistral coiling, the shell is characterized by its strong spiral sculpture.
Colour variation in a population from northern Portugal. Original pictures provided by A. Luis (PT).

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