Eupaludestrina stagnorum (Gmelin, 1791)
Norway and S. Baltic to Mediterranean & Black Sea. All the populations, especially in the Netherlands, are « seriously declining » (Schultes, 2008, via IUCN). Grazer and detritus feeder in brackish waters such as non-tidal lagoons (Gloer, 2002, via IUCN) and drainage ditches (Schultes, 2008). – Original taxon: Helix stagnorum. Synonyms: dalmatica, graeca, scamandri, stagnalis.

2-3m deep, shell grit, Zadar, Croatia. 5-5,2mm.
Shell translucent, body dark.
Font Estramar, Salses-le-Château, Eastern Pyrenees, S. France. All the karst springs of the area provide brackish waters. Original picture provided by A. Bertrand (FR).
In offshore sediments downstream the Sèquia Major, Tarragona, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 4,25mm.
Specimen from the early Holocene, found at 1m deep inside the sediment, 65m deep, Kornati channel, Šibenik-Knin Comitat, W. Croatia. 4,5mm.
Same spot. 2,6-2,95,3,75mm. The shells of the youngsters can be confused with those of some Pyramidellids (Odostomia, Brachystomia), but the aperture has a different shape.

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