Eulima glabra (da Costa, 1778)
Shetland to Sénégal, Mediterranean.
Ectoparasite on Ophiuroids in the infralittoral down to the continental shelf. Original taxon: Strombiformis glaber.
« A small species, about half an inch long, very taper and slender, thin and transparent, extremely smooth and glossy, of a light horn colour, with a few slight spiral streaks, sometimes opake white, sometimes red, especially at the commissures of the spires, and well distinguish their separation. The mouth is oblong. The spires about ten, all level, or not prominent, and tapering to a very fine sharp point; they are well distinguished by the spiral white lines. » – E. M. da Costa: Hist. Nat. Test. Britanniae, London 1778.

25m deep, Velika bay, Omiš, Split-Dalmatia Comitat, S. Croatia. 11,2mm. Original pictures provided by R. Stanić (HR).
Synonyms: cambessedesii, donovani, fasciata, flavocincta, lineata, minor, nana, pallidula, subulata… Syntype MNHN-IM-2000-5643, Melania cambessedesii Payraudeau 1826, in the Museum National d’Histoire naturelle de Paris. Ajaccio, 9,5mm. Original picture provided by M. Caballer for the MNHN.
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La Franqui, Leucate, Occitania, S. France. 6,5mm.
Original pictures provided by S. Clanzig (FR).
Beached, plage de Saint-Gervais, Fos-sur-Mer, Provence, S. France. 8,2mm. E. Vial legit (FR).
Notice the scar, 270° above the aperture. It draws the place of an ancient labial margin, and matches exactly the profile of the current one. « The origin of these scars is the almost periodic growth of the Eulimidae shell: the animal alternates a phase of rapid growth of the shell (from 0.3 to 1.5 revolutions) with one of stagnation of the growth itself, during which the external lip thickens, thus giving rise to that “scar” when a new phase of growth occurs. » – Gruppo Malacologico Livornese: Eulimidae Mediterranee, august 2001.
In grit at 65m deep, Bozcaada island, Çanakkale, W. Marmara province, NW. Turkey, North Aegean. 9mm.
The apex in a shell from shallow water, Rochelongue, Agde, Hérault, S. France.

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