Ersilia mediterranea (Monterosato, 1869)
Original taxon: Lacuna mediterranea.
Ectoparasite of some infralittoral Ophiuroidea, such as Ophioderma longicaudum (Bruzelius, 1805), «  which lives under stones in shallow waters. » (Scuderi & Criscione, 2011).
« Shell very small but solid, ovate, imperforate, attenuated at the base and at the summit; sculpture made up of minute spiral striae on the whole surface, giving it a silky appearance; colour close to tawny, with a yellowish band in the middle of the last whorl, starting from the insertion point; spire conical, prominent and acute […] with four whorls, the last one, large, greatly exceeding the spire; suture marked… » – T. A. di Monterosato: Testacei nuovi dei mari di Sicilia, Palermo 1869, p.15. – Above, a specimen dredged at 30-44m deep, San Ġiljan, southeastern Region, Malta. 1,6mm. Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT) – (CC BY-NC-SA).

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