Dikoleps nitens (Philippi, 1844)
Baltic and North Sea, W. Ireland to Canarias, to Mediterranean. Deposit feeder in the infralittoral (north) down to at least the continental slope (south). Original taxon: Delphinula nitens.
Synonyms: forbesi, laevis, pusilla
The last whorl is smooth, some growth stops excepted, and does not shows marked spiral striae around the umbilicus, which is very narrow. The shell, thus, is close to that of depressa Monterosato, but is more globose. « Color fuscus » (Philippi, about laevis), but not always, as it appears above. The undulating growth marks on the base display a typical pattern, usually less marked than on this specimen. The spiral striae, inside the umbilical funnel, are faint and very inclined – 500m deep, Capo Teulada, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 0,75mm.
Same spot. Size circa 0,8mm.
Notice the spire, slightly higher than on the previous specimen.

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