Coralliophila ahuiri Cossignani, 2009
Gibraltar strait, Messina strait. Lives in the coralligene of lower infralittoral, circalittoral and twilight zone (entrances of caves). Predator on sessile preys.
The reddish tinge of the protoconch is specific. Teleoconch white with some traces of reddish in the early parts. Sculpture made of « prominent rounded wavy ribs, of equal strength, in the number of 9-10 per whorl. » – T. Cossignani: “Nuova Coralliophila nel Mediterraneo“, Malacologia Mostra Mondiale 63:15, Cupra Marittima 2009.

Dredged at 80-100m deep, on bottom with Corallium rubrum, in Gibraltar Strait, off N. Morocco. 9mm. Original pictures provided by M. T. Spanu (IT) – (CC BY-NC-SA).
Same spot. 7,3mm.
Original picture provided by A. Nappo (IT).

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