Comarmondia gracilis (Montagu, 1803)
British Isles to Canarias, Azores to Mediterranean. On muddy bottoms of lower half of infralittoral and circalittoral. Predator.
Original taxon: Murex gracilis.
Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 26mm.
Synonyms: emarginatus, oblongus, suturalis.
Off Marseille, Provence, S. France. 18mm.
Rarely fished along west Africa.
80m deep, off southern coast of La Palma, Canarias. 14,5mm.
Mangelia gracilis in Forbes & Hanley: A history of British Mollusca and their shells London 1853. Animal plate R.R. vol. I, and shell plate CXIV vol. IV.
« Large, brown, with a white filllet upon the body-whorl, with fine spiral grooves, and about twelve rounded longitudinal ribs. Spire scarcely longer than the mouth; outer lip acute at the edge, with a deep sinus. » – F. & H.: op. cit. vol. III p.473.

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