Bivetiella cancellata (Linnaeus, 1767)
Galicia to Angola and offshore islands, to Mediterranean. Circalittoral (12m) to continental shelf (280m), in sand, muddy sand and in coralligen, mostly at about 100m deep. Predator, common in the west, rare in the east.
Original taxon: Voluta cancellata.
Synonyms: costata, scabriculus, scabriusculus, triplicatus
Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 32mm.
Cancellaria cancellata in Th. Löbbecke:
“Die Genus Cancellaria”,Syst. Conchylien-Cabinet Bd.4:Abt.4, Nürnberg 1887.
Whorls strongly shouldered, with a coarse cancellate sculpture made of pronounced axial ribs crossed by strong and sharp spiral ribs. Interspaces between spirals with no secondary or tertiary ribbing. Colour white, with well defined spiral bands. – For more details, see A. Verhecken: “Revision of the Cancellariidae of the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean”, Zoosystema 29(2), June 2007.
2-3m deep, on sand and mud, Lampedusa island. 23,9mm.
Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).
– (CC BY-NC-SA) –
A specimen from Almería, Andalucia. 24mm.
A set trawled off Dakhla, Oued Ed-Dahab-Lagouira, Western Sahara. 25-37mm.

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