Alvania lanciae (Calcara, 1845)
Mediterranean. Grazer and detritus feeder in shallow water down to the upper shelf. Original taxon: Rissoa lanciae.
Synonyms: arguta, consociella.
« Testa parva oblongo-conoidea, acuta albo-flavidula; anfractibus 5 cancellatis suturis excavatis, costellis longitudinalis nodosis, transversim striata, apertura rotundata, labro simplici. — I wanted to embellish this new species of Rissoa with the name of the eminent signor marquis Federico Lancia, duchino of the Castello di Brolo. » – P. Calcara: Cenno sui molluschi viventi e fossili della Sicilia, Palermo 1845, p. 29.

The shell is more translucent than A. discors, with a sulcate inner lip, more knobby costae, more convex whorls. 8m deep, Taşucu, Silifke, Mersin Province, SE. Turkey. 2,9mm.
Specimens with a well marked sculpture.
La Franqui, Leucate, Occitania, S. France. 2,2-2,4mm.
Original pictures provided by S. Clanzig (FR).
White specimens also exist.
Shallow grit, El Forat (al Fourat), Paulilles, Port-Vendres, Eastern Pyrenees, S. France. 2,5mm.
A variant with a dark apex and accentuated knobs.
40m deep, off Le Scole, south of the harbour, Isola del Giglio, Toscana, W. Italy. 3mm.
Same spot. 2,8-3mm.
High-spired specimen. Like Alvania lineata Risso and Alvania dorbignyi (Audouin), both described in 1826, Alvania lanciae can display along the columella a brown apertural blotch, which is said to be typical of dorbignyi. – 3m deep, in a hollow among the wide Posidonia meadow of the Anse des Fossettes, at the root of the eastern peninsula, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Alpes-Maritimes, SE. France. 3,7mm.
Intertidal grit, Buġibba, San Pawl il-Baħar, N. Malta. 2,8-3,1mm. At right: the form “arguta” Locard & Caziot, more slender, acuminate, with less convex whorls and a shallower suture.

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